Thursday, August 25, 2011

Giver of love -true story draft may have error

Giver was born to be poor and her father was very selfish man. They lived in shacks most of her childhood. When it was cold she took old tattered blankets to fill the gaps to fill some warmth. In the summer she go to the swimming hole near by to keep her cool. Most of the time she worked very hard washing clothes with  rub board and steel basin. Line dry them both summer and winter her hands all chapped. Giver loved school so much for it was so warm and they had a hot lunch. One time hungry she walk home from school near the local diner and saw her father eating diner of roasted potatoes and meatloaf and beans with biscuit. She wander wahy he was like this . She vowed when she got older to be not like him.
As she graduated and git married she wanted the best life and hope for a great family. Her father in law she tried to love. Giver made him dinner and supper and also breakfast. She clean his giant house while his two daughters did nothing at all to help. Giver wanting him to accept her but he would not. Finally her husband and Giver moved back where her dad lived. Husband wanted a certain job but could not find it and giver already had two kids by now and Husband still wanted the job that he went to school for. Than Giver had a third child and Husband blamed giver for him not getting the job he wanted. So husband started to drink heavily  . He became mean. Giver did all she could for her kids paid the bills and fed her babies. Husband wanted beer and no money was left and he was mad. Giver kicked him out. She remember what her dad did to her so her babies came first so she got a divorce. Giver got a job ,but had no car she walk in the rain and snow she sacrifice everything for her kids. Her Ex never knew if he pay child support. The kids grew up and left home one after the other. She had her hands full but she made it and finally got her own car, Giver today still gives to her neighbors you might see her pet a cat and call it Buddy. She gives to her neighbor not only present but her time and her love. Giver gives to her children her love and time and helps them when they need her. She  the giver is the most precious person I ever met and my personal hero. I do not know what to do without Giver my mom I love You

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